There's a bit of a tempest going on whether to blog or not to blog , since the new rage is "lifestreaming" blog using sites like Posterous (I just got my lifestreaming site set up if for no other reason to play with it). So here we are blogging for Future Shop and some are saying that blogging has become passé, so what's the deal?

The deal is that often those closest to the new technology are the first to get bored with it, the rest of us however tend to keep a more level head about things.

Blogging is no more dead and done than telling stories among friends. We don't seem to tire of that, so I doubt blogging will fade any time soon, but what about "lifestreaming"? Lifestreaming is essentially just posting bits and pieces of the things you find online into something that looks remarkably like a blog. Taken to the next level, there are sites like FriendFeed where not only do you post things directly, but also have the bits and pieces you publish around the Net put there as well automatically ( my FriendFeed page is here ).

What I find interesting about Posterous is that it strikes me that it is more like "blogging lite" rather than something entirely new. If it's intended to just drop bits and pieces without much commentary, but how is that much different than a blog?

Personally I think there is a balance here. I'm writing fewer posts on my blog lately, but writing longer posts. Posts that delve into issues a little more deeply. On Posterous I think I'm going to use it like a bulletin board. The place to put up interesting things I find online. Commentary on deeper issues? Probably not.

So the question isn't whether you're ready for Lifestreaming, but rather, how will you fit all the pieces of information you find online into your real life?

Message Edited by trishussey on 06-29-2009 06:46 PM