Remember when if you learned about a news item from the morning during the evening news it wasn't a big deal? Remember when interrupting TV programing for a new bulletin meant that something really important had happened? Yes, it was a long time ago now, or so it seems. Today we want/need/crave our news and information constantly and having news that is hours old is stale news. Since Twitter has risen to the top as a news source that can out scoop even CNN, we've been turning to Twitter for breaking news. Google, has been feeling pretty out in the cold about this. Until today.
We all know that Google has been updating search results faster and faster over the past few years. Back in 2005, Technorati was the place to go to find the breaking news from blogs, now Google can pick up news that is hours (even minutes) old. That just wasn't good enough. Today Google announced Google Real Time Search. Yes, you search for a term and updates (mostly from Twitter) will start rolling up in a small section at the top of the results page. I haven't been able to try it first hand (I gather it is being rolled out slowly), but this video shows GRTS in action:

Yes, the tech world has been a buzz about this all day. For my reading time, I hit Marshall Kirkpatrick's posts on Read Write Web . Marshall hit the nail on the head almost all the time on these issues. Okay, he's also a great guy and a friend of mine. Regardless of who you read, the bottom line is that Google is pushing ahead and Microsoft (Bing) and Yahoo have been left behind. I think with Chrome (thee browser) Chrome OS, Google DNS, and the myriad other innovations Google is just showing that while Microsoft might have owned and controlled the majority of computers, Google controlled how people got things done. And now Google will influence how we get breaking news. Now if we could only filter out those tweets about Tiger Woods and Twilight...

Message Edited by trishussey on 12-07-2009 11:05 PM