I'm getting married this weekend.  My fiancee and I have everything we already need, we've got a house and dishes, linens and a baby.  Hey, it's the modern way of doing things, right?

So when we went to put together registry ideas, we struggled with things we actually need.  We ended up asking for "presentation," the polite way of
suggesting people drop envelopes in your lap, so we could pool the resources together and pick up some big things for the house (a new home theatre ? an iMac ?)

If I had been paying attention though, I'd have put a Nintendo Wii on the top of the list.  According to a recent scan of online registries, the Nintendo Wii is the most common
wedding registry gift last year, and I'm sure the trend will continue through this summer wedding season as well.

I confess, I'm not a gamer.  I had a PS2 the year they came out and blasted an entire weekend playing Metal Gear Solid .  I brought it to work on Monday and
sold it to a colleague.  It was a time sucking vortex.  However, now that I've got a son, I'm looking down the line at the time when a video
game console will, once again, find it's way into my life.

This week I took a tour of Nintendo 's offerings for the back half of the year, the games are all wonderful and absolutely perfect to get in some
active time with my son on those rainy days that, despite summer just dawning, must be right around the corner.

Nintendo Wii Fit Plus (coming Fall 2009)
Workouts combine the original  activities and selections from 15 new balance games and six new strength training and yoga activities.

Nintendo Sports Resort (coming July 26, 2009)

This sequel to the popular Wii Sports™ makes use of the Wii MotionPlus  accessory, which gives players the most responsive and realistic
experience  possible.

Coming to the wedding this weekend?  Feel free to bring a Wii.

catch the buzz ... pass it on.