Mac users, question for you--How often do you use the option key? Not too often? Yeah, me too, well until Snow Leopard because I've learned that this oft overlooked key unlocks a wealth of features and nice touches in the OS. Seriously. The best part is that once you start trying option-click extras, you just won't want to stop.

For the longest time the only thing I really used the option key for was to type accented letters and other special characters, but lo and behold there is a lot more to the option key than just making special characters.

Option-Click Tricks -- Option-clicking on things in Mac OS X has, in the past, often revealed additional menus or options. In Snow Leopard, pressing Option reveals even more items.

link: TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Even More Hidden Refinements in Snow Leopard

I've tried all of the ones in the post, plus a couple I've found like in iTunes 9 option-clicking the green maximize button gives you the familiar miniplayer.
So here's the challenge ... let's find a few more. Let's option-click our way around Snow Leopard and see if we can find some new goodies.