What has Twitter done for you lately?  For that matter, what has Facebook done for you lately?

In this modern era of instant communication, if you're not "getting" anything from the connections you're making across your social networks, perhaps it's time to widen your social circle.

Think of Twitter as the ultimate game of 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.  We're all following someone who's following someone, who's following someone, who's following someone, who's following someone whose been in a movie with Kevin Bacon.  It's that simple, with the power of the retweet if you ask a question of your Twitter followers and they pass it along to their followers, who pass it along to theirs - well, you can see that just about anything can be accomplished.So - what has Twitter gotten you?It's gotten me a notary who was instantly available to sign some paperwork after I lost my passport. It put me in touch with a guy who runs a great resort of cabins on Galiano Island for a weekend getaway. It allowed me to network through friends to find personal trainers and coaches who would be willing to help me train for a marathon. It got me press and blog coverage for my wife's wine company. It got me an officiant for my wedding.You know the adage, ask and you shall receive - well it works for Twitter too. I asked my followers for advice on all those things and at different times people have stepped up and offered solutions.  Going to Google will get you a statistcal answer, asking your friends will get you real world advice and a real world experience with a proven solution or insight to your problem.  Jason Calacanis tried to create this experience with his human powered search engine, Mahalo, but really Twitter and its real time interaction has blown right past that site in effectiveness.Future Shop has moved into the Twittersphere as well, offering instant expert help if you point your question at the right source. @FS_Connect keeps up to date with the Future Shop Tech Blog, hot forum discussions and helpful how-to videos from the Future Shop Community.   @FS_Deals offers sales, exclusive promos, contests and hot prices @FS_GetitFirst tweets about new products, midnight openings & notifications when stock is in on the hottest products. Remember it is give and take, so while you're looking for solutions to your problems, try to find spots where you can pitch and help in the spirit of "ask not what social media has done for you, but what can you do for social media!"  Got a problem, need a solution, looking for advice or chasing down an expert?  Ask your Twitter followers, put a note on your Facebook wall and, who knows, Kevin Bacon and his brothers just might be available to play your high school reunion this summer. catch the buzz ... pass it on. Message Edited by buzzbishop on 07-03-2009 12:52 PM